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Geocode in R with Bing

I would like to use the Bing API to batch geocode. I found a package on github at however, I cannot seem to figure out how to use its function on a vector. When I try the following everything works just fine:

geocode("New York,NY", service="bing", returntype="coordinates")

But if I replaced the location with a vector of locations, only a single coordinate pair is returned and the following warning is returned:

Warning message: In if ( | gsub(" *", "", x) == "") return(c(NA, NA)) : the condition has length > 1 and only the first element will be used

I also tried the following alternative function but again only a single pair of coordinates is returned. With ggmap's geocode I'm able to run this process on a vector but it's API is limited to 2500 queries/day so I'm stuck trying to use Bing (Yahoo api is too difficult to obtain).

bGeoCode <- function(str, BingMapsKey){
    u <- URLencode(paste0("", str, "&maxResults=1&key=", BingMapsKey))
    d <- getURL(u)
    j <- fromJSON(d,simplify = FALSE) 
    if (j$resourceSets[[1]]$estimatedTotal > 0) {
      lat <- j$resourceSets[[1]]$resources[[1]]$point$coordinates[[1]]
      lng <- j$resourceSets[[1]]$resources[[1]]$point$coordinates[[2]]
    else {    
      lat <- lng <- NA

bGeoCode(data$location, "my_APIKEY")

Any help is much appreciated.


  • Without having used the package in question, it looks like the geocode function isn't vectorised. A quick fix is to make it vectorised:

    geocodeVect <- Vectorize(geocode, vectorize.args="x")
    geocodeVect(multiple_locations, ...)