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Check lengths of elements in list of equal length

Check whether the elements in a list is of equal length?


l <- list(c(1:3),c(2:7),c(12:13))

[1] 1 2 3

[1] 2 3 4 5 6 7

[1] 12 13

I have a long list with many entries and want a way to check if each element is of the same length.

Above it should return FALSE as the lengths differ (3,6,2).


  • Try this:

    length(unique(sapply(l, length))) == 1
    # [1] FALSE

    Or @PierreLafortune's way:

    length(unique(lengths(l))) == 1L

    Or @CathG's way:

    all(sapply(l, length) == length(l[[1]])) 
    all(lengths(l) == length(l[[1]]))

    Some benchmarking:

    l <- lapply(round(runif(1000,1,100)), runif)
    bm <-   microbenchmark(
      zx8754 = length(unique(sapply(l, length))) == 1,
      PierreLafortune=length(unique(lengths(l))) == 1L,
      CathG_1 = all(lengths(l) == length(l[[1]])),
      CathG_2 = all(sapply(l, length) == length(l[[1]])),
      times = 10000)
    # result
    Unit: microseconds
                expr     min      lq      mean  median      uq       max neval  cld
              zx8754 326.605 355.281 392.39741 364.034 377.618 84109.597 10000    d
     PierreLafortune  23.545  25.960  30.24049  27.168  28.375  3312.829 10000  b  
             CathG_1   9.056  11.471  13.49464  12.679  13.584  1832.847 10000 a   
             CathG_2 319.965 343.207 371.50327 351.659 364.940  3531.068 10000   c 
    #plot benchmark

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