Let's say we have this document:
doc = {'foo': 1, 'bar': 2, id: 123}
How can I do so that I can have, a pair with foo and bar values, the id and assign these to 2 variables? I need this so that I can use these variables inside my complicated query without having to copy / paste the same exact reql commands multiple times.
This is what I tried:
r.expr(doc) # doc as input
.do(lambda d: [
# create the pair
[d['id'], r.uuid(d['id'].coerce_to('string'))],
# create the "values"
.do(lambda x, y: # unpacking should happen here
# x should be the pair
# y should be the values of foo and bar
# do something with x,
# use y here,
.map(lambda z:
# use also x and y here
# etc...
But I can't make this work. The idea is just to assign values to variables, to be used inside the query, for readability purposes. Some idea?
You can bind multiple variables in ReQL using r.do
, for example:
r.expr(doc).do(lambda d: # doc as input
[d['id'], r.uuid(d['id'].coerce_to('string'))],
lambda x, y:
# x is the pair
# y is the values of bar and foo