I'm implementing some routing groups, based on post I found which uses arrow notation.
I'm using the latest version of meteor and all top level dependencies are up to date too.
When I save my routes.js, I get an unexpected token error which fails on the arrow notation in the code. I'm missing something obvious I'm sure, any clues?
loggedIn = FlowRouter.group
triggersEnter: [ ->
unless Meteor.loggingIn() or Meteor.userId()
route = FlowRouter.current()
unless route.route.name is 'login'
Session.set 'redirectAfterLogin', route.path
FlowRouter.go ‘loginLayout’
While building for web.browser: imports/startup/client/routes.js:10:18: Unexpected token (10:18)
The tutorial is in coffeescript not js and you are loading it in a .js file which should be .coffee however if you have other js code in routes.js then you need to convert coffee to js. The snippet above would become:
var loggedIn = FlowRouter.group({
triggersEnter: [ function() {
var route;
if (!(Meteor.loggingIn() || Meteor.userId())) {
route = FlowRouter.current();
if (route.route.name !== 'login') {
Session.set('redirectAfterLogin', route.path);
return FlowRouter.go(‘loginLayout’);