In my example when I send a GET request to get a response array with data, then I see in the console of firefox the array is empty. I don't know where the error is.
Here is my code:
$scope.changeDate = function (selFrom) {
vm.repos = CrudService.getRepoByDay(selFrom);
//Service (CrudService):
function CrudService(ResService) {
var service = {
getRepoByDay: getRepoByDay
return service;
function getRepoByDay(selTo) {
return ResourceService.test.query(
{ endDate: selTo },
function successResponse(response) {
return response;
//Service (ResService)
test: $resource(baseUrl + '/api/repodates', {
endDate: '@EndDate'
}, {})
<tr ng-repeat="report in rc.repos>
<td ng-repeat="(key, value) in report">
{{ value }}
Do anyone have an idea what I have to do?
$resource is asynchronous you have to handle it in the callback of the promise :
return ResourceService.test.query(
{ endDate: selTo }
vm.repos = data;
console.log(data);//log here not ouside the callback to check
EDIT sample with $q :
var deferred = $q.defer();
{ endDate: selTo }
return deferred.promise;