I am creating a web-app to download and display housing prices. Data source:
My Plan:
Download the data directly from the link using javascript, and then turn the data into a javascript object (possibly using jQuery-csv). After this, I would use DataTables or another javascript library to display the data.
Where I got stuck:
After some research, it appears doing this violates the "same-origin policy". From what I read, it is not acceptable to download data from external sources in javascript.
<img src="">
I am hoping to do it this way, so I can avoid using a server side language completely. If this does not work, I plan on setting up the app using python/flask, which would only be used to download the data.
There are a few problems with the project you want to achieve:
You cannot use an AJAX request to download a third party file or fetch data because of the CORS policy. Sometimes a website will allow to share its resources and in that case getting 3rd party data via AJAX is possible. (
Even if you were able to download the CSV file, you would have to parse it to display the data and since you are using JavaScript you will be downloading it on the client computer and then you will need to access it which is not possible. (You cannot access system files from the Javascript [more detail can be found here: Local file access with javascript)