good afternoon! Prompt, please, how to compile igzip. At compilation to me gives an error message
Lorents@ASUS MINGW32 ~
$ cd /c/Users/Lorents/Desktop/igzip
Lorents@ASUS MINGW32 /c/Users/Lorents/Desktop/igzip
$ make
mkdir obj0c
Making object file obj0c/common.o
g++ -c -g -D LINUX -I . -I c_code -I ../include -O2 -fPIC -D MAJOR_VERSION=IGZIP0C c_code/common.cpp -o obj0c/common.o
c_code/common.cpp:1:0: warning: -fPIC ignored for target (all code is position independent)
In file included from c_code/common.cpp:38:0:
c_code/bitbuf2.h:30:19: fatal error: types.h: No such file or directory
compilation terminated.
Makefile:240: ошибка выполнения рецепта для цели «obj0c/common.o»
make: *** [obj0c/common.o] Ошибка 1
For compilation I use MSYS2.
To fix your current error message, make sure that you extracted all of the files and folders from to the same place. So you should actually have the igzip
folder at /c/Users/Lorents/Desktop/igzip_042/igzip
and there should be a file named types.h
in /c/Users/Lorents/Desktop/igzip_042/include/
. The -I ../include
option they are passing to the C compiler tells it where to find types.h
After fixing that, you will get other, unrelated error messages, and you can ask new questions about how to fix them.