In comparable ,Only one sort sequence can be created while in comparator many sort sequences can be created . what is sort sequence exactly means here.
Basically, a sort sequence is just an order relation (mathematically). It is a way of ranking objects.
What it means is that when an Object implements the Comparable
interface, only one order can be defined. Let's take a more concrete example with the custom class MyFile
public class MyFile implements Comparable<MyFile> {
private String name;
private Date creationDate;
private String author;
public int compareTo(MyFile other) {
In this example, the class MyFile implements the Comparable
interface, which sorts a collection of MyFile
by ascending name. It implements one sort sequence. But if you want to sort them by descending name ? Or by date ? Or by author ? Then you have to create different orderings. However, you cannot implement a second time the Comparable
interface. This is when you create custom Comparator
to have the behaviour you expect. Each Comparator
implements a sort sequence.
public class DateComparator implements Comparator<MyFile> {
public int compare(MyFile f1, MyFile f2) {
return f1.getDate().compareTo(f2.getDate());
public class ReverseNameComparator implements Comparator<MyFile> {
public int compare(MyFile f1, MyFile f2) {
return f2.getName().compareTo(f1.getName());
Those are two other sort sequence defined for the same class.