I have an object literal that looks like below
var object = {
contact:'where i am starting my relative path'
My question is how can i alter an absolute path string with a relative path string to get a new path where '^' would be one level above (parent)
var absolutePath = 'object.child.0.medical.contact';
var relativePath = '^.^.actualChild';
//The String i am trying to get
I figure i need to split the string on '.' then count how many '^' there are and then 'pop' that many steps from the end of the absolute path but i'm not sure on the most optimal way to do this without writing a large recursive function
Since your paths are actually just strings with delimiter .
, I would operate on them as such e. g. via regex:
function realPath(path) {
var result = path;
while ((path = path.replace(/[^\.]*\.\^\./g, '')) !== result) result = path;
return result;