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Including dependencies in Ansible + Test Kitchen

I am trying to get Ansible + Test Kitchen to work and my code is available at Github.

When running kitchen test it errors out with:

   ERROR! the role '' was not found in /tmp/kitchen/roles:/tmp/kitchen:/tmp/kitchen/roles:/tmp/kitchen/roles

   The error appears to have been in '/tmp/kitchen/roles/ansible-nexus/meta/main.yml': line 3, column 5, but may
   be elsewhere in the file depending on the exact syntax problem.

   The offending line appears to be:

     - { role: }

Is there a way to tell Test Kitchen to firstly pull in dependencies from Ansible Galaxy?


  • You should include following changes: .kitchen.yml

      hosts: test-kitchen
      name: ansible_playbook
      #require_chef_for_busser: false
      #require_ruby_for_busser: true
      ansible_verbosity: 2
      ansible_verbose: true
      require_ansible_repo: false
      require_ansible_omnibus: true
      requirements_path: requirements-test.txt
      # When testing with Test Kitchen, run the Docker client with
      # "--insecure-registry registry.yourdomain.local" so that we can test pushing
      # to our test private registry.
      #  docker_opts: "--insecure-registry registry.yourdomain.local"
