Search code examples

How to perform Depth First Search (DFS) inside a module starting from its ports?

I am trying to implement a new pass to calculate the sequential depth and complexity of a given module in Yosys. To do so, I am getting inspired by scc pass. To implement it, I need to specifically perform DFS starting from the module's input ports. To do so, I am trying to find all of the cells which are immediately connected to the input ports. I am starting from the module's port and find the associate wires:

SigPool inputPorts;
for (auto &it : module->ports) 
  if (module->wires_[it]->port_input)  

but the problem that I have is that I am not able to find the cells which are immediately connected to the input ports from there (there is not APR for that purpose in the wires/sigspec/sigpool types).

Any help/hint would be greatly appreciated.


  • I think the following code example (although not DFS) should contain all the relevant idiomatic Yosys code snippets that you'd need:

        // create canonical versions of all sigbits
        SigMap sigmap(module);
        // first layer of bits
        pool<SigBit> input_bits;
        for (auto wire : module->wires())
            if (wire->port_input)
                for (auto bit : sigmap(wire))
        // index: from sigbit to driven cells
        dict<SigBit, pool<Cell*>> bit2cells;
        // index: from cell to driven sigbits
        dict<Cell*, pool<SigBit>> cell2bits;
        for (auto cell : module->cells())
        for (auto &conn : cell->connections()) {
            if (cell->input(conn.first)) {
                for (auto bit : sigmap(conn.second))
            if (cell->output(conn.first)) {
                for (auto bit : sigmap(conn.second))
        pool<SigBit> queue = input_bits;
        pool<Cell*> visited_cells;
        while (!queue.empty())
            pool<Cell*> this_iter_cells;
            for (auto bit : queue)
            for (auto cell : bit2cells[bit])
                if (!visited_cells.count(cell)) {
                    log("  %s\n", log_id(cell));
            for (auto cell : this_iter_cells)
            for (auto bit : cell2bits[cell])

    The most important things to take away from that:

    • Use SigMap to create canonical representations of signal bits (in case two wires are connected to each other and are just "alias names" for the same actual bit).

    • Break up your algorithm in two stages: (1) create the index structures that you need and (2) perform the actual algorithm.

    You might also find the answers to this and this question useful.

    (I'm writing this answer in a hurry.. Please ask further questions in comments below if anything is unclear.)