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How do I tell to flyspell to ignore comment lines on git-commit-mode?

I usually change dictionaries when writing a git commit, however since I have a mapping to to change dictionary and run (flyspell-buffer) right after I see that flyspell goes beyond the commit message to check also comment lines starting with #.

How can I tell "flyspell, please ignore lines starting with # symbol"?

I've read that I can use flyspell-generic-check-word-predicate however my elisp is far from good :(, I came up with this:

(defun flyspell-ignore-comments ()
  "Used for 'flyspell-generic-check-word-predicate' to ignore comments."
  (not (string-match "^ *#" (thing-at-point 'line t))))
(put 'git-commit-mode 'flyspell-mode-predicate 'flyspell-ignore-comments)

However it doesn't work. What I'm doing wrong?


  • Ok, thanks to @KyleMeyer for make me doubt about my configuration, the issue was that I had enabled flyspell in a text-mode-hook, and that was interfering with the config for the git-commit-mode. Removing flyspell for loading in the text-mode-hook solved the problem.
