Let me know if I should have done anything differently.
I have a JavaScript game and right now I have index.htm
file with canvas text in it that calls the JavaScript file.
I wanted to be able to take the code form the js
file and actually put it into the htm
file so it results in only 1 file eg .htm
instead of 2 files eg .htm
and .js
I have tried to no avail and followed this guide... http://www.tutorialspoint.com/javascript/javascript_placement.htm
And as it would need to action on load I am putting my js code within the BODY area.
I am sure it is my ignorance at fault here so hopefully this is a very easy basic question the expert js devs can help me with.
Here is what I tried...
<canvas id="screen" width="310" height="310"></canvas>
<script type="text/javascript">
;(function() {
var Game = function(canvasId) {
var canvas = document.getElementById(canvasId);
var screen = canvas.getContext('2d');
var gameSize = { x: canvas.width, y: canvas.height };
this.bodies = createInvaders(this).concat(new Player(this, gameSize));
var self = this;
loadSound("shoot.wav",function(shootSound) {
self.shootSound = shootSound;
var tick = function() {
self.draw(screen, gameSize);
and the bottom of it is the following:
var loadSound = function(url, callback) {
var loaded = function() {
sound.removeEventListener('canplaythrough', loaded);
var sound = new Audio(url);
sound.addEventListener('canplaythrough', loaded)
window.onload = function() {
new Game("screen");
EDIT2: You guys are great, thanks a bunch. It was even more stupid than you would believe - I forgot to include the shoot.wav file in the same directory as the .htm file!
I am not sure how SO works but I feel I should give the answer to the first person to suggest checking the debugger (unless I can upvote each of you that suggested it)
Also I am not sure about that rogue semi colon before the first function as I seem to be getting away with it as the game now runs.
Thanks again to all who responded to my idiotic mishap!
Rogue semi colon before the function in your script tag? Any debugging errors in the browser console?