I have an Abstract Class called "ImportRunner".
I have an implementation of the class called "ScorecardRunner".
How can I at runtime get an instance of a class such as ScorecardRunner, when I am pulling the Object Type back as a String from an XML File and it could be any implementation of ImportRunner?
My current code is as follows.
var importer = container.GetInstance<ImportRunner>();
When I try to do something like below I get a compile error.
var importer = container.GetInstance<Type.GetType("Importer.ScorecardRunner")>();
Operator '<' cannot be applied to operands of type 'method group' and 'Type'
Thanks, Tom
Instead of spreading your logic for creating an instance based on runtime values and shoehorning it into your StructureMap's registry, a better approach would be to simply create a factory that's responsible for determining the correct runner instance and inject that.
For example:
public class XmlReader
public bool IsScoreCard { get; set; }
public abstract class ImportRunner
public class ScorecardRunner : ImportRunner
public class DefaultRunner : ImportRunner
public class RunnerFactory
private readonly XmlReader _reader;
public RunnerFactory(XmlReader reader)
_reader = reader;
public ImportRunner Resolve()
if (_reader.IsScoreCard)
return new ScorecardRunner();
return new DefaultRunner();
Then configure it like so in your registry:
this.For<ImportRunner>().Use(ctx => ctx.GetInstance<RunnerFactory>().Resolve());