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Spectron and electron without exe files

I m trying to build an application using Electron.

I need to make some unit test based on the electron env and using electron packages.

This way, I m using spectron to simulate my application.

On the documentation, it's written that I have to put in 'path' property the path where my executable file is. I don't have executable for now, I m in development mode.

Here's what I've tried based on another question :

beforeEach(() => {
    app = new Application({
        path: 'node_modules/.bin/electron'
    app.start().then(res => console.log(res), err => console.log(err));


Nothing appears on the prompt and the following test is failing telling that I can't get getWindowCount on an undefined object (clearly, the app isn't instantiated) :

 it('should call currentWindow', (done) => {
            app.client.getWindowCount().then((count) => {

Does anybody knows what should I put in this path to make my test env work ?

PS : I m using mocha chai and sinon.

Thanks for your help


  • At first I was creating an executable for the purpose of testing, but that's actually not necessary.

    You can see that Spectron has an example test and a global setup.

    The example passes an option called args, and that’s exactly what you are missing. This is what I am doing:

      var appPath = path.resolve(__dirname, '../'); //require the whole thing
      var electronPath = path.resolve(__dirname, '../node_modules/.bin/electron');
      beforeEach(function() {
        myApp = new Application({
          path: electronPath,
          args: [appPath], // pass args along with path
       return myApp.start().then(function() {
         assert.equal(myApp.isRunning(), true);
         chaiAsPromised.transferPromiseness = myApp.transferPromiseness;
         return myApp;

    My test sits in ./tests/app-test.js. The above works for me.