When first animation will be done after that I want another animation on the same target.
var lnk = document.querySelector('#clickme');
var tl = new TimelineMax();
lnk.addEventListener('click', go, false);
function go(){
tl.to('.glasko', 1, {width: 500, height: 500});
After that I want to change background color of div.
tl.to('.glasko', 2, {backgroundColor: 'red'});
What is best practice for this?
makes it easy & simple with TimelineMax
. You just need to write second animation after first animation using same TimelineMax
instance and this is the best approach.
var lnk = document.querySelector('#clickme');
var tl = new TimelineMax();
lnk.addEventListener('click', go, false);
function go(){
tl.to('.glasko', 1, {width: 500, height: 500});
tl.to('.glasko', 2, {backgroundColor: 'red'});