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Powershell move AD object

i made this script to find all windows 10 machines which are not placed in the right OU, there is no action taken at this point - but i would like to move them once they had been found, we have over 30 country's and data centers so i would like to keep the OU string in the arrays, to keep the code to a minimal - how would one perform a move in this script? i could use some pointers.

$Script:OUBase = "OU=Countries,OU=Global,DC=internal"
    Import-Module ActiveDirectory

    $CountryDataCenter = 

    Function GetWin10MachineAccounts($Country, $DataCenter){

    #Build OUstring
    $OUStringTarget = "*OU=Windows 10,OU=Computers,OU=" + $DataCenter + ",OU=" + $Country + "," + $Script:OUBase
    $OUStringSource = "OU=Computers,OU=" + $DataCenter + ",OU=" + $Country + "," + $Script:OUBase
    $countPC    = ($Win10Computeraccounts).count

    Write-Host "OU to search - " $OUStringSource -ForegroundColor Yellow

    $Win10ComputerAccounts = Get-ADComputer -SearchBase $OUStringSource -Filter {(enabled -eq "true") -and (OperatingSystem -like "*Windows 10*")} -properties * | where {$_.DistinguishedName -notlike "$OUStringTarget"} | select CN -expandproperty Name 

    Return $Win10Computeraccounts


    ############### Main Script ##########################

    ##create empty array for use later
    $DataArray = @()

    ForEach ($Country in $CountryDataCenter)
        $Win10Computeraccounts = GetWin10MachineAccounts $Country.Country $Country.DataCenter 
        $countPC    = $Win10Computeraccounts.count

        if(!$Win10Computeraccounts) {
         write-host "No Windows 10 Computers are found in the container" $Country.Country $Country.DataCenter

        foreach ($Computer in $Win10Computeraccounts){     
            Write-Host $Computer -ForegroundColor Red
            #Store Data in foreach array
            $DataArray += (Get-ADComputer $Computer )
            Write-Host "$countPC" "Computers found in" $Country.Country $Country.DataCenter -ForegroundColor Green



    $DataArray | Export-Csv "C:\log.csv"  -Force


  • Use the Move-ADObject cmdlet:

    foreach($Country in $CountryDataCenter)
        $OUStringTarget = "OU=Windows 10,OU=Computers,OU={0},OU={1},{2}" -f $Country.DataCenter,$Country.Country,$Script:OUBase
        $Win10Computeraccounts = GetWin10MachineAccounts $Country.Country $Country.DataCenter 
        foreach ($Computer in $Win10Computeraccounts){     
            Move-ADObject -Identity $Computer -TargetPath $OUStringTarget