I would like to host various Angular2 apps that utilize the same framework packages and node_modules
from a root and subdomain:
Folder Structure
│ ├── sub2
│ │ ├── assets
│ │ └── src
│ └── subdomain
│ ├── assets
│ └── src
├── assets
├── boot.ts
├── index.html
├── node_modules
├── package.json
├── src
└── tsconfig.json
I want to be able to utilize the resources of the root app and not need to duplicate code.
One method to do this is to use webpack and gulp. You need to use commonjs as module in your tsconfig.json.
file for each projects destination folder and
include your js/ts
bundles in it as scripts.Use webpack dev server to listen different port for every projects index.html file.
gulp.task("webpack-dev-serverWeb", function(callback) {
var myConfig = Object.create(webpackConfig);
new myWebpackDevServer(mywebpack(myConfig), {
publicPath: "/" + myConfig.output.publicPath,
stats: {
colors: true
}).listen(8080, "localhost", function(err) {
if (err) throw new gutil.PluginError("webpack-dev-server", err);
gutil.log("[webpack-dev-server]", "http://localhost:8080/webpack-dev-server/your_path_to_index.html_for_port_8080/index.html");