I can't save the id's in the join table (document_configuration).
I have tree models:
belongs_to :languages
has_many :document_configurations
has_many :document_catalogs, through: :document_configurations
accepts_nested_attributes_for :document_catalogs
accepts_nested_attributes_for :document_configurations
has_many :document_configurations
has_many :documents, through: :document_configurations
belongs_to :document
belongs_to :document_catalog
So, I want to get a list of all document_catalog
in my document_form
So, when I create a new document I can include the corresponding catalog.
This is my form:
<div class="form-group">
<%= f.select :document_catalog_ids, DocumentCatalog.all.collect {|x| [x.name, x.id]}, {}%>
Is listing the catalogs as I want.
This is my controller:
def new
@document = Document.new
def document_params
params.require(:document).permit(:name, :description, :document_file,
:language_id, {:document_catalog_ids=>[]}) #I tried this too: :document_catalog_ids=>[] without the {}
I'm just getting this error: Unpermitted parameter: document_catalog_ids
and I really need to save the document_id
and document_catalog_id
in document_configuration
Another thing is: I need to add anything else in my create, update and destroy methods?
Handling of Unpermitted Keys
By default parameter keys that are not explicitly permitted will be logged in the development and test environment. In other environments these parameters will simply be filtered out and ignored.
Additionally, this behaviour can be changed by changing the config.action_controller.action_on_unpermitted_parameters
property in your environment files. If set to :log
the unpermitted attributes will be logged, if set to :raise
an exception will be raised.
Found this in a documentation from GitHub : https://github.com/rails/strong_parameters#handling-of-unpermitted-keys