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Passed value still edited after cancel angular mddialog

I pass a value to my mdDialog controller to edit the content in a modal, but of the user cancels the modal no adjustments can be saved, but still if I change to content within the modal, I see the changes happening on the list behind (on the parent view) and when I cancel the modal, the changes aren't undone. The option bindToController is set to true, so a copy should be passed instead of a reference.

vm.editFaq = function   (faqToEdit, ev){

     var useFullScreen = ($mdMedia('sm') || $mdMedia('xs')) && vm.customFullscreen;

        controller: 'editFaqController'
        , controllerAs: 'dvm'
        , templateUrl: './app/components/faq/modals/editFaq.html'
        , parent: angular.element(document.body)
        , targetEvent: ev
        , clickOutsideToClose: true
        , fullscreen: useFullScreen
        , locals: { faq : faqToEdit }
        , bindToController: true
            _.findWhere(vm.allFaqs, { _id: faqToEdit._id }) = result;

    $scope.$watch(function () {
        return $mdMedia('xs') || $mdMedia('sm');
    }, function (wantsFullScreen) {
        $scope.customFullscreen = (wantsFullScreen === true);

So when to modal is hidden, the "then" promise is called and the adjustments can be committed.


  • I used angular.copy, a friend told me that even with bindToController, or what ever other option of mdDialog that said to work always passes a reference of the object.