Here the idea of my problem :
Imagine, I have an user looking for a book.
As input, he can try to find the book using book title.
Let's take :
$scope.books = ["Heir Of Earth",
"Woman Of The Solstice",
"Hunters Of Next Year",
"Pilots Without Honor",
"Slaves And A Woman",
"Kings And Heroes",
"Decay Of The End",
"Fortune Of The Land",
"Rejecting My Dreams",
"Painting The Angels"];
Now I take the user query in a string :
example :
$scope.userQueryTitle = "Woman Of";
I want to get all books which where their title contains "Woman" or "Of" but NOT "Woman" AND "Of".
From there, the corresponding result should be this :
$scope.booksResult = ["Heir Of Earth",
"Woman Of The Solstice",
"Hunters Of Next Year",
"Slaves And A Woman",
"Decay Of The End",
"Fortune Of The Land"
I found some partial solutions to my problem such as use something like :
<ul ng-repeat="book in booksResult | filter: getBooksFromTitle">
$scope.getBooksFromTitle = function(book){
return book.match(($scope.userQueryTitle).split(" ")[0]) ||
book.match(($scope.userQueryTitle).split(" ")[1]);
It works only if $scope.userQueryTitle
contains only 2 words but my problem is what's about if I have 1 or 4 or n word(s) ?
should be flexible about this but I don't see how to deal with...
Any suggestion ?
Thanks !
Change the getBooksFromTitle function as follows,
$scope.getBooksFromTitle = function(book){
return $scope.books.filter(function(e){ return e.match(new RegExp($scope.query.split(" ").join('|'),'i')) });
Try to put as many keywords you want, this should solve your problem. Cheers