In some Coursera course the expected IDE is BlueJ. Right from the start, I would like to learn how to manage projects with more advanced IDE, like IntelliJ Idea.
The teacher staff provided their framework which they prebuilt in env. So they don't tell anything about manual import.
I have their framework downloaded in directory edu/duke/bunch-of-java-classes
or should I say edu/duke/*.java.
On the first line in some class I have import edu.duke.*;
aside import java.util.*;
, the 2nd one is ok.
How to harness the power edu/duke/*.java.
. Where to put it in project hierarchy?
I would like to have them separated. My java classes in, lets say, module1 for week1 and theirs in edu/duke.
Please download the files courserajava.jar and apache-csv.jar files from the link and add them as external libraries in the project created in IntelliJ/Eclipse. The edu.duke libraries can be used in the programs written.