I'm trying to define the property jQuery
on the window
object from a content script with code in the setter. That way, when the actual jQuery object is defined, I can use it right away. I seem to be unable to get it right, though.
The target website is Outlook.com. That's the webmail version of Outlook.
I tried to put the code in the content script directly, but even if I put "all_frames": true
in the content_scripts
section of the manifest (so the code gets injected into every frame), it isn't working.
function afterInit(){
var _jQuery;
console.log('This gets logged');
Object.defineProperty(window, 'jQuery', {
get: function() { return _jQuery; },
set: function(newValue) {
_jQuery = $ = newValue;
console.log('This is never logged!');
$(document.body).append($('<span>I want to use jQuery here</span>'));
I verified that window.jQuery
is properly defined afterwards by the actual jQuery
function/object, but my setter code is never executed.
I also tried it with message passing: I send a message with the code as a string to a background script, and use executeScript
to execute it on the correct tab, but this also doesn't work.
{action:'jQueryPreInit', value: '('+afterInit.toString()+')();'});
And in my background script:
chrome.runtime.onMessage.addListener(function(message, sender, callback) {
switch (message.action){
case "jQueryPreInit": chrome.tabs.executeScript(sender.tab.id, {code: message.value});
If I put something else than the Object.defineProperty
code in the executeScript
code, that works fine. I only have problems defining the property.
Thanks to Xan, I found there are only two ways to do this.
The first is by adding a <script>
element to the DOM containing the appropriate code. This is a pretty extensive StackOverflow answer on how to do that: https://stackoverflow.com/a/9517879/125938.
The second is using Javascript pseudo-URLs and the window.location
object. By assigning window.location
a bookmarklet-style URL containing Javascript, you also bypass certain security measures. In the content script, put:
location = 'javascript:(' + (function(){
var _jQuery;
Object.defineProperty(window, 'jQuery', {
get: function() { return _jQuery; },
set: function(newValue) {
_jQuery = $ = newValue;
console.log('totally logged!');
$('<span>jQuery stuff here</span>');
}).toString().replace(/\n/g, ' ')+')();';
The reason I/you were originally failing to define it, was because both methods of code injection we were using, caused our code to be sandboxed into isolated worlds: https://developer.chrome.com/extensions/content_scripts#execution-environment. Meaning, they share the page's DOM and could communicate through it, but they can't access each other's window
object directly.