I try to write an jsf tag libary. So i have created a libary which provides a facelet: AbButton.xhtml
<ui:composition xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"
xmlns:b="http://bootsfaces.net/ui" xmlns:o="http://omnifaces.org/ui"
[... other button variants...]
<c:when test="#{type == 'command' and not empty look}">
<b:commandButton value="#{value}" action="#{bean[action]}" id="#{id}" actionListener="#{bean[actionListener]}"
update="#{update}" look="#{look}" size="#{size}" iconAwesome="#{icon}" style="#{style}"/>
And i have created a taglib.xml which describes the attributes.
<description><![CDATA[Flexible Button Implementierung. Von Bootsfaces Button abgeleitet.]]></description>
<description><![CDATA[ stuff]]></description>
Last but not least i implemented it in a test application. Button.xhtml
<a:abButton type="command" id="command" bean="#{button}" action="action" actionListener="actionListener" value="Command Button" style="margin-right:20px;" look="primary"/>
And a Backing Bean named Button.java
public class Button {
public void action(){
public void actionListener(){
System.out.println("action listener");
If i now klick the button, both action and actionListener method get executed 2 times. If i remove the actionListener, the action method is only one time executed. Same thing is happening is i use different beans, lets say
<ui:composition xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"
xmlns:b="http://bootsfaces.net/ui" xmlns:o="http://omnifaces.org/ui"
[... other button variants...]
<c:when test="#{type == 'command' and not empty look}">
<b:commandButton value="#{value}" action="#{bean2[action]}" id="#{id}" actionListener="#{bean[actionListener]}"
update="#{update}" look="#{look}" size="#{size}" iconAwesome="#{icon}" style="#{style}"/>
and Button.xhtml
<a:abButton type="command" id="command" bean="#{button}" bean2="#{button}" action="action" actionListener="actionListener" value="Command Button" style="margin-right:20px;" look="primary"/>
And the absolut same happens if i use the Omnifaces o:methodParam this way:
<ui:composition xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"
xmlns:b="http://bootsfaces.net/ui" xmlns:o="http://omnifaces.org/ui"
[... other button variants...]
<c:when test="#{type == 'command' and not empty look}">
<o:methodParam name="actionMethod" value="#{action}"/>
<o:methodParam name="actionListenerMethod" value="#{actionListener}"/>
<b:commandButton value="#{value}" action="#{actionMethod}" actionListener="#{actionListenerMethod}" id="#{id}" look="#{look}"
update="#{update}" size="#{size}" iconAwesome="#{icon}" style="#{style}"/>
and button.xhtml
<a:abButton type="command" id="command" action="#{button.action}" actionListener="#{button.actionListener}" value="Command Button" style="margin-right:20px;" look="primary"/>
The same happens. With action and actionListener active both are executed twice. If i remove the actionListener the action method is only executed one time. I hope it is now a better to understand. Any help?
Ah now i've got it. This is a bug in bootsfaces 0.8.1 related here Issue 295. With a update to Bootsfaces 0.8.5 everything works as expected. Maybe this helps someone facing the same problem.