When i clicked the edit button the values from dataTable should display in form. But somehow it doesn't work. Below are my codes for reference.
Call DataTable:
$("#tranTable").on("click", "#edit", function(){
var row = $(this).closest("tr");
$("fieldset#Own-Account #templateTrxId").val( row.find("[name$=templateTrxId]").val() )
$("fieldset#Own-Account #templateId") .val( row.find("[name$=templateId]").val() )
$("fieldset#newFT #fromAccNo") .val( row.find("[name$=fromAccNo]").val() ),
$("fieldset#newFT #methodOfTransfer") .val( row.find("[name$=methodOfTransfer]").val() ),
$("fieldset#Own-Account #toAccNo") .val( row.find("[name$=toAccNo]").val() ),
$("fieldset#Own-Account #paymentRef") .val( row.find("[name$=paymentRef]").val() ),
$("fieldset#Own-Account #amount") .val( row.find("[name$=amount]").val() ),
$("fieldset#Own-Account #otherPaymentDetail").val( row.find("[name$=otherPaymentDetail]").val() ),
$("fieldset#Own-Account #email1").val( row.find("[name$=email1]").val() ),
$("fieldset#Own-Account #email2").val( row.find("[name$=email2]").val() ),
$("fieldset#Own-Account #sms1").val( row.find("[name$=sms1]").val() ),
$("fieldset#Own-Account #sms2").val( row.find("[name$=sms2]").val() ),
$("fieldset#Own-Account #purpose").val( row.find("[name$=purpose]").val() )
$("fieldset#Own-Account #isEdit").val(1);
$("fieldset#Own-Account #dataTableRowId").val(row.data("row-id"));
From the exception, your problem likely occurs because the @RequestMapping
doesn't find the parameter being sent from previous the page.
In this case, it is likely like this:
@RequestMapping(value = "/check")
public String getID(@RequestParam(value = "params") String params){
//your logic code here
From here, the exception occurs when the @RequestMapping
doesn't find "params"
@RequestParam(value = "params") String params
This happens because, by default, @RequestParam
tries to get the value. It then returns an exception when the value is not found.
So you have two ways to resolve this,
You can supply the URL /check
with a params
variable or,
You can change the @RequestParam
requirement to false like this:
@RequestParam(value = "params", required = false) String params
Take note that this is an example to reflect your scenario and problem. Gud luk.