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How to refrain button input until after an animation has finished playing in unity 5?

I am new to Unity and a beginner programmer. I experimented with Unity's GUI (canvas, button, label, etc...).

For the button, I made a class ButtonClickScript, so that when i tapped on the button, the variable waterBucketAmnt would increase until it reached 3. I then decided to take my experiment a little farther, so I created a very simple animation of a guy dumping a bucket of water. I wanted to restrict the amount of times the guy could dump the water using the waterBucketAmnt.

I can tap the GUI button 3 times and everything works fine. int waterBucketAmnt = 3. I then start the game and press the configured "Fire3" action on the keyboard and it does exactly as expected. The problem is that I can tap the "Fire3" action consecutively in less than a second, therefore, waterBucketAmnt = 0 and the animation plays only once. How can I delay input until the animation is completed?

using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;

public class waterBucketAction : MonoBehavior {

Animator waterAnim;
// a simple player controller using unity's RigidBody2D feature. I added PlayerControllerScript so that I could make sure the player had to remain on the ground in order to dump the bucket of water. checkGround is so that I could inherit the grounded gameObject I created. 

PlayerControllerScript checkGround;
public ButtonClickScript checkWaterAmnt;

void Start () {
    checkGround = FindObjectOfType <playerControllerScript> ();
    waterAnim = GetComponent<Animator> ();

void FixedUpdate() {
    waterAnim.SetBool ("isPlaying", false);

    if (checkWaterAmnt.waterBucketAmnt > 0 && !waterAnim.GetCurrentAnimatorStateInfo(0).IsName("waterBucketAnimation")) {

        if (checkGround.grounded == true && Input.GetButtonDown ("Fire3")) {
            waterAnim.SetBool("isPlaying", true);

            //I need to wait for the animation to complete or delay the input. I searched multiple places and the best answer I could find was Animation.IsAnimating, but that seems to be deprecated? The API says that Animator replaced Animation, but I couldn't find an equivalent method.
                checkWaterAmnt.waterBucketAmnt -=1;


  • I am guessing that you ButtonClickScript looks like this:

    public class ButtonClickScript : MonoBehavior, IPointerClickHandler
        public int waterBucketAmnt;
        void OnPointerClick() 
            if (waterBucketAmnt < 3)

    So what you need to do to delay the input is change the Interactable state of the button after is clicked by adding this line:

    if (waterBucketAmnt < 3)
        this.GetComponent<Button>().Interactable = false;
        //If Interactable is not accessible from code you could also use

    Then in the waterBucketAction script, you need to change the Interactable state of the button back to true once the animation is finished:

    void FixedUpdate(}
        //The 0 is the Layer Index
        if (this.animator.GetCurrentAnimatorStateInfo(0).IsName("YourWaterAnimationName"))
            checkWaterAmnt.GetComponent<Button>().Interactable = true;