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Use Ant for running program with command line arguments

My program getting command line arguments. How can I pass it when I use Ant?


  • Extending Richard Cook's answer.

    Here's the ant task to run any program (including, but not limited to Java programs):

    <target name="run">
       <exec executable="name-of-executable">
          <arg value="${arg0}"/>
          <arg value="${arg1}"/>

    Here's the task to run a Java program from a .jar file:

    <target name="run-java">
       <java jar="path for jar">
          <arg value="${arg0}"/>
          <arg value="${arg1}"/>

    You can invoke either from the command line like this:

    ant -Darg0=Hello -Darg1=World run

    Make sure to use the -Darg syntax; if you ran this:

    ant run arg0 arg1

    then ant would try to run targets arg0 and arg1.