I trained a network using the provided ImageReader and now, I'm trying to use the CNTK EvalDll in a C# project to evaluate RGB Images.
I've seen examples related to the EvalDll, but the input is always an array of float/double, never images.
How can I use the exposed interface to use the trained network with an RGB image ?
I'll assume that you'll want the equivalent of reading with the ImageReader
, where your reader config looks something like
You'll need helper functions to create the crop, and to re-size the image to the size accepted by the network.
I'll define 2 extension methods of System.Drawing.Bitmap
, one to crop, and one to re-size:
open System.Collections.Generic
open System.Drawing
open System.Drawing.Drawing2D
open System.Drawing.Imaging
type Bitmap with
/// Crops the image in the present object, starting at the given (column, row), and retaining
/// the given number of columns and rows.
member this.Crop(column, row, numCols, numRows) =
let rect = Rectangle(column, row, numCols, numRows)
this.Clone(rect, this.PixelFormat)
/// Creates a resized version of the present image. The returned image
/// will have the given width and height. This may distort the aspect ratio
/// of the image.
member this.ResizeImage(width, height, useHighQuality) =
// Rather than using image.GetThumbnailImage, use direct image resizing.
// GetThumbnailImage throws odd out-of-memory exceptions on some
// images, see also
// http://stackoverflow.com/questions/27528057/c-sharp-out-of-memory-exception-in-getthumbnailimage-on-a-server
// Use the interpolation method suggested on
// http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1922040/resize-an-image-c-sharp
let rect = Rectangle(0, 0, width, height);
let destImage = new Bitmap(width, height);
destImage.SetResolution(this.HorizontalResolution, this.VerticalResolution);
use graphics = Graphics.FromImage destImage
graphics.CompositingMode <- CompositingMode.SourceCopy;
if useHighQuality then
graphics.InterpolationMode <- InterpolationMode.HighQualityBicubic
graphics.CompositingQuality <- CompositingQuality.HighQuality
graphics.SmoothingMode <- SmoothingMode.HighQuality
graphics.PixelOffsetMode <- PixelOffsetMode.HighQuality
graphics.InterpolationMode <- InterpolationMode.Low
use wrapMode = new ImageAttributes()
wrapMode.SetWrapMode WrapMode.TileFlipXY
graphics.DrawImage(this, rect, 0, 0, this.Width,this.Height, GraphicsUnit.Pixel, wrapMode)
Based on that, define a function to do the center crop:
/// Returns a square sub-image from the center of the given image, with
/// a size that is cropRatio times the smallest image dimension. The
/// aspect ratio is preserved.
let CenterCrop cropRatio (image: Bitmap) =
let cropSize =
float(min image.Height image.Width) * cropRatio
|> int
let startRow = (image.Height - cropSize) / 2
let startCol = (image.Width - cropSize) / 2
image.Crop(startCol, startRow, cropSize, cropSize)
Then plug it all together: crop, resize, then traverse the image in the plane order that OpenCV uses:
/// Creates a list of CNTK feature values from a given bitmap.
/// The image is first resized to fit into an (targetSize x targetSize) bounding box,
/// then the image planes are converted to a CNTK tensor.
/// Returns a list with targetSize*targetSize*3 values.
let ImageToFeatures (image: Bitmap, targetSize) =
// Apply the same image pre-processing that is typically done
// in CNTK when running it in test or write mode: Take a center
// crop of the image, then re-size it to the network input size.
let cropped = CenterCrop 1.0 image
let resized = cropped.ResizeImage(targetSize, targetSize, false)
// Ensure that the initial capacity of the list is provided
// with the constructor. Creating the list via the default constructor
// makes the whole operation 20% slower.
let features = List (targetSize * targetSize * 3)
// Traverse the image in the format that is used in OpenCV:
// First the B plane, then the G plane, R plane
for c in 0 .. 2 do
for h in 0 .. (resized.Height - 1) do
for w in 0 .. (resized.Width - 1) do
let pixel = resized.GetPixel(w, h)
let v =
match c with
| 0 -> pixel.B
| 1 -> pixel.G
| 2 -> pixel.R
| _ -> failwith "No such channel"
|> float32
features.Add v
Call ImageToFeatures
with the image in question, feed the result into an instance of IEvaluateModelManagedF
, and you're good. I'm assuming your RGB image comes in myImage
, and you're doing binary classification with a network size of 224 x 224.
let LoadModelOnCpu modelPath =
let model = new IEvaluateModelManagedF()
let description = sprintf "deviceId=-1\r\nmodelPath=\"%s\"" modelPath
model.Init description
model.CreateNetwork description
let model = LoadModelOnCpu("myModelFile")
let featureDict = Dictionary()
featureDict.["features"] <- ImageToFeatures(myImage, 224)
model.Evaluate(featureDict, "OutputNodes.z", 2)