I want to launch multiple sites (selected by zenity checkmarks). I have been successful but a little trouble.
browser=$(zenity --list --text "Which browser?" --radiolist --column "Pick" --column "Browser" TRUE firefox FALSE opera)
sites=$(zenity --height=280 --width=300 --list --text "How linux.byexamples can be improved?" --checklist --column "Pick" --column "Sites" TRUE http://cr4.globalspec.com/ TRUE http://www.cheresources.com/ TRUE http://www.eng-tips.com/ FALSE http://www.engineersedge.com/ FALSE http://hvac-talk.com/vbb/ FALSE http://www.refrigeration-engineer.com/ FALSE http://engineering.stackexchange.com/ FALSE http://chemistry.stackexchange.com/ --separator=" ")
$browser $sites
If my firefox is already running & I check more than one site to open in firefox, the checked websites will open in a new firefox window, instead of existing window & new tabs. This doesn't happen if I check single site. The problem can be circumvented if I use something like
$browser site1
$browser site2 ...
So how can I slice the output (collection of websites separated by space character) produced by zenity & then chain through each of them as indicated?
You can iterate (and thus open one by one) over the $sites
in this way:
browser=$(zenity --list --text "Which browser?" --radiolist --column "Pick" --column "Browser" TRUE firefox FALSE opera)
sites=$(zenity --height=280 --width=300 --list --text "How linux.byexamples can be improved?" --checklist --column "Pick" --column "Sites" TRUE http://cr4.globalspec.com/ TRUE http://www.cheresources.com/ TRUE http://www.eng-tips.com/ FALSE http://www.engineersedge.com/ FALSE http://hvac-talk.com/vbb/ FALSE http://www.refrigeration-engineer.com/ FALSE http://engineering.stackexchange.com/ FALSE http://chemistry.stackexchange.com/ --separator=" ")
for site in $sites; do
$browser $site