So, I'm using gulp in my project.
I use gulp-compass to compile my assets.
And, one of the task I have is a watch task for dev. like this:
gulp.task('live', function() {'path/to/my/scss/files', function(event) {
console.log('Event type: ' + event.type);
console.log('Event path: ' + event.path);
The compass function:
function compass(source) {
return gulp.src(source)
config_file: 'config.rb',
css: 'path/to/my/css/files',
sass: 'path/to/my/scss/files'
}).on('error', errorHandler)
Note: the errorHandler function is irrelevant on my question.
The reason I watch files this way is in order to make gulp-compass not compile all files, but the one that have been changed (I use this for dev, so I will be working in one file at time), this way the refresh is fast, and I don't have to wait (typically, around 30 ~ 60 seconds in compile all scss). gulp-compass only perform compile, not watch.
This works perfect when I'm working on a not partial file (ie: home.scss).
But if I change something on a partial, that gets included on the main scss, things goes wrong: it will compile my partial, and that is, it doesn't refresh (I guess its try to refresh a partial, no sense).
In order to make that happen, I have to do a dummy modification on the parent scss file, and the it works.
I know this is due to the way I have define my taks (only send to compass one file at the time), and also due to gulp-compass perform always "compile".
This gulp-plugin (so far) does not have the watch command (unless I patch it, and I don't want to do that).
Does someone knows how to solve this situation and when I change something in a partial, "he knows" that this partials belong to a certain parent and then refresh it ?
So far, I can do the dummy modification on the parent or watch explicitly the parent scss Im working on, but would love to have this automatic.
I think one solution could be create a map with all parents of the partial (reading files directly) and in case a partial is modify, update all parents and refresh, but maybe thats "too expensive". Maybe this can be some sort of "warm-up"...
Does someone have the same problem ? How you work with partials and a watch / live-reload environment ?
The goal of all this is to write code and have my browser updates, so I can see in real time my advances and prevent cross browser problems (few browsers open at the same time and being refreshing dynamically).
Any suggestion / help will be appreciate !
I couldn't solve this issue.
We dropped compass, as it is no longer needed for our needs.
We are now using node-sass, and sometime bootstrap, some times post css, etc, etc...