I'm trying to create a summernote v0.8.1 with only one button in the toolbar, unordered list. I'm looking disable the tooltip that appears for the button. How do I go about doing that?
Here is an example of the summernote:
<div id="myNote"></div>
Initalize summernote
toolbar: [
['para', ['ul']] // I want to disable the tooltip for this.
focus: true
The html of the rendered button looks like this, in which the text of the actual tooltip is "Unordered list (Ctrl+Shift+8)"
<button type="button" class="btn btn-default btn-sm btn-small" title=""
data-shortcut="Ctrl+Shift+8" data-mac-shortcut="⌘+⇧+7"
data-event="insertUnorderedList" tabindex="-1"
data-original-title="Unordered list (Ctrl+Shift+8)">
<i class="fa fa-list-ul icon-list-ul"></i>
I don't know why I it worked when I did this:
toolbar: [
['para', ['ul']]
focus: true
$('.note-editor [data-event="insertUnorderedList"]').tooltip('disable');