Can someone help me with this simple code.. I'm still a noob on js and I don't know what im doing wrong. Basically Im trying to make a mouseover menu.
function showQuickLinks() {
//show the menu
function hideQuickLinks() {
//hides the menu
//button mouseover
$("#quick-links-dd").mouseover(function() {
var mnuTimeout;
//clears timeout when it rolls over the button
$("#quick-links-dd").mouseover(function () {
//$("#quick-links) - quick links container
//hides the menu when the mouse is not over the container
$("#quick-links").mouseout(function () {
mnuTimeout = setTimeout("hideQuickLinks()",1000);
The mouse over works but it doesn't execute the code when the mouse is outside the link container.
var mnuTimeout = null;
$(function() {
$("#quick-links-dd").hover() {
}, function() {
mnuTimeout = setTimeout(hideQuickLinks,1000);