I'm trying to create a french dictionary to use it on Language Tool Spelling checker. The code itself seems to create it, but it's not my case because I can't find the .dict file on my folder. Hope you can help me - maybe it's just an erroneous use of Java code.
java -cp languagetool.jar org.languagetool.tools.SpellDictionaryBuilder fr_FR -i C:/Users/KP/Desktop/LanguageTool/french_dict.txt -info org/languagetool/resource/fr/french.info -o C:/Users/KP/Desktop/LanguageTool/output.dict
Running Morfologik FSACompile.main with these options: [--exit, false, -i, C:\Users\KP\AppData\Local\Temp\SpellDictionaryBuilder257816875475185246.txt, -o, C:\Users\KP\Desktop\LanguageTool\output.dict, -f, CFSA2, --overwrite]
Invalid argument: Unknown option: --overwrite
Usage: fsa_compile [options]
Accept leading BOM bytes (UTF-8).
Default: false
Accept CR bytes in input sequences (\r).
Default: false
-f, --format
Automaton serialization format.
Default: FSA5
Possible Values: [FSA5, CFSA2]
Ignore empty lines in the input.
Default: false
* -i, --input
The input sequences (one sequence per \n-delimited line).
* -o, --output
The output automaton file.
Done. The binary dictionary has been written to C:\Users\KP\Desktop\LanguageTool\output.dict
This was a bug in LanguageTool that has been fixed in the nightly builds: http://forum.languagetool.org/t/create-a-dictionary-for-french-language/852/21?u=dnaber