I want to set up the generic algorithm for a function that includes roughly 400 lines of script. The script itself is an optimisation process and I want to use the genetic algorithm to find the best input parameters into the optimisation process (M
and OPratio
). M
lies between 0 and 10^7
and OPratio
between 0 and 1
The function of the script is:
NPVtotal = cut_off_optimisation(M,OPratio)
set up for the genetic algorithm:
nvars = 2; % Number of variables
LB = [0 0]; % Lower bound
UB = [10000000 1]; % Upper bound
X0 = [6670000 0.45]; % Start point
options.InitialPopulationMatrix = X0;
[M,OPratio,fval] = ga(cut_off_optimisation(M,OPratio),nvars,[],[],[],[],LB,UB)
I get following error:
Undefined function or variable 'M'.
I am new to optimisation and the genetic algorithm so would appreciate any help, please let me know if more information is necessary.
First of all I am assuming that the objective is to minimize the Objective function cut_off_optimisation
Now first update your function to look like this
function y = cut_off_optimisation(x)
% paste body of your currently used function here
y=NPVtotal ;
Now use this code to minimize your objective function.
nvars = 2; % Number of variables
LB = [0 0]; % Lower bound
UB = [10000000 1]; % Upper bound
X0 = [6670000 0.45]; % Start point
options = gaoptimset('PlotFcns',{@gaplotbestf},'Display','iter','InitialPopulation',X0);
[x,fval] = ga(@cut_off_optimisation,nvars,[],[],[],[],...
Update: If you don't want to update your function. Just run this main code. Keep the function NPVtotal = cut_off_optimisation(M,OPratio)
in the same folder as that of the main code.
nvars = 2; % Number of variables
LB = [0 0]; % Lower bound
UB = [10000000 1]; % Upper bound
X0 = [6670000 0.45]; % Start point
options = gaoptimset('PlotFcns',{@gaplotbestf},'Display','iter','InitialPopulation',X0);
[x,fval] = ga(objectiveFunction,nvars,[],[],[],[],...
Update: For getting final population members and fitness values. Replace the above ga function call statement to below statement.
[x,fval,exitflag,output,population,score] = ga(objectiveFunction,nvars,[],[],[],[],LB,UB,[],options);
In here population
will have the members of the final population and score
will have fitness values for the final population. Default population size is 20
. So you will have 20 rows
in both the matrix. Number of columns in population
will be equivalent to number of variables
in the problem and score
will be a column matrix. You can change the population size by adding option PopulationSize
to gaoptimset
options = gaoptimset('PlotFcns',{@gaplotbestf},'Display','iter','InitialPopulation',X0,'PopulationSize',30);
To know more about the options
available for gaoptimset
and their expected values
and their {default values}
. Go to matlab help and search for gaoptimset
. There you will find a table with all these details. Here is the link from matlab website http://in.mathworks.com/help/gads/gaoptimset.html .There may be changes according to your matlab version. So its better to use help in matlab.