For example omega symbol rendered properly '\u03A9'
, but globe symbol '\u1F310' - not. Was tried on console and node environments
JavaScript \u
escapes only take four digits, so this string literal is two code units, U+1F31 (Greek Small Letter With Dasia) and U+0030 (Digit Zero): ἱ0
JavaScript strings are made of 16-bit-wide code units, so the highest single code unit in JavaScript is \uFFFF
and characters from U+10000 upwards, lying outside the Basic Multilingual Plane, cannot be referenced directly. To get them, you have to use a pair of UTF-16 surrogates. For U+1F310 that works out as '\uD83C\uDF10'
In ECMAScript 2015, there's a new string escaping form that takes the character number and works out the rest for you: '\u{1F310}'
. This is available in recent versions of Node, but it will be a while before support is widespread enough in browsers.
Printing the character to console is a separate challenge. As @MarcoS says you will need your terminal to be set to use a font that has a glyph for it. You will also need to be using a console that understands non-ASCII and in particular non-Basic-Multilingual-Plane characters. (If you're on the Windows command prompt, the only way to win that game is not to play.)