On the View configuration page, there's a setting for the last displayed job in the view:
Name [text field here]
Initial Job [text field here]
Final Job (optional) [text field here]
When a final Job is given, the the view does not display any jobs that may be triggered by that job, i.e. as the label implies, this job is the last job displayed in this view.
How can I configure this final job name, using the Job DSL?
Setting the last job is currently not supported by the built-in DSL. But you can use a Configure Block to generate any configuration:
deliveryPipelineView('example') {
pipelines {
component('one', 'foo1')
component('two', 'foo2')
configure { view ->
def components = view / componentSpecs
components.'se.diabol.jenkins.pipeline.DeliveryPipelineView_-ComponentSpec'[0] << lastJob('bar1')
components.'se.diabol.jenkins.pipeline.DeliveryPipelineView_-ComponentSpec'[1] << lastJob('bar2')