I am developing UWP and Windows phone 8.1 in the same solution.
On both projects I need a functionality of compressing a whole folder to one gzip file (in order to send it to server).
Libraries I've tried and encountered issues with:
SharpZipLib - uses System.IClonable which I cannot referance in my PCL project
DotNetZip - Not Suporting PCL/UWP
System.IO.Compression - Work only with Stream, cannot compress whole folder
I can split the implementation for each platform (although it is not perfect) but I still didn't found something that can be used in UWP.
Any help will be appriciated
Ok, so I found this project called SharpZipLib.Portable which is also an open source Github : https://github.com/ygrenier/SharpZipLib.Portable
Really nice :)