I have an animation in unity, and basically it shows Donald Trump running:
I also have this one frame animation of Trump jumping:
Basically, when he jumps, the jump animation plays, and when he lands, the walk animation plays again.
This all works, and this code runs it:
function Update() {
trump.velocity = Vector2(speed, trump.velocity.y);
if (jump > 0) {
jumpBool = true;
else {
jumpBool = false;
animator.SetBool("Jump", jumpBool);
That's in the physics script. Then from the animator:
This all works, and the animations change when they are supposed to. The issue is, it lags before it finishes. I think that when Trump jumps, the walk animation finishes before it switches to the jump animation. My question is, how do I automatically switch animations immediately, so it won't look so laggy?
You can immediately call the Jump animation to be played at the point you make the JumpBool = true. Doing so you don't need to wait for the walk animation finish, it will simply stop the Walk and and move to Jump.
function Update() {
trump.velocity = Vector2(speed, trump.velocity.y);
if (jump > 0) {
animator.Play("Trump Jump");
//jumpBool = true;
else {
//jumpBool = false;
//animator.SetBool("Jump", jumpBool);
You don't even need to Set the bool, after the Jump animation has finished it will move back to the Walk animation.