I've got a huge data base that contain for each day a text file with the following format : "HH:mm:ss xxxx.xx" for almost each second of each trading day, so I have thousands lines in each text's file. I'm looking for the best way to convert these lines into a HashMap where each key represents a new minute of the trading day.
For example I'd like to make theses few lines :
00:08:48 9819,9
00:09:10 9818,7
00:09:44 9819,9
00:09:51 9820,9
00:10:07 9822,1
looks like this in the HashMap :
myHashMap.put("00:09:00", 9818.7)
myHashMap.put("00:10:00", 9822.1)
PS : I know "00:09:00" is not a good Date format, it's just for the example !
If you're working with java-8 - Files#lines
does a great job at that. The LocalTime
class represents a time-of-day.
WARNING : a OutOfMemoryError could be thrown if too much objects were to be created in memory.
Map<LocalTime, Double> map = Files.lines(Paths.get("D:\\data.txt"))
.map(x -> x.split(" "))
x -> LocalTime.parse(x[0]),
x -> Double.valueOf(x[1])));
For a specific double
format, you may use the following
Since the data seems to be monetary, BigDecimal
may be a better choice instead of a Double
Map<LocalTime, BigDecimal> map = Files.lines(Paths.get("D:\\data.txt"))
.map(x -> x.split(" "))
x -> LocalTime.parse(x[0]),
x -> new BigDecimal(x[1])));