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Form not loading correctly

I'm trying to build a TAPI based phone call system using JulMar's Atapi x86. One of the functions is to pop a specific form on an inbound call. However, whenever the form pops, it comes up incorrect, as shown below (I have tried several forms as a test and they all do the same thing). There is no error, nothing in the output window to suggest what the issue is.

Form when I try to load


private void incomingcall(object sender, NewCallEventArgs e)
        string phonenumber = e.Call.CallerId; //get the phone number of the call
        SqlCommand getincoming = new SqlCommand(Querystrings.getincomingquery(), DB);
        getincoming.Parameters.AddWithValue("@@TELEPHONE", phonenumber);
        DataTable results = new DataTable(); 
            using (var results = getincoming.ExecuteReader())
        catch (Exception ex)
            Inbound ib = new Inbound(phonenumber, null);
        if (results.Rows.Count == 1)
            loadcontactrequest(Convert.ToInt32(results.Rows[0].ItemArray[0]), phonenumber);
            loadinbound(phonenumber, results);

I have loaded these forms outside of this function at other points, meaning it is something to do with this function. Does anybody know where I'm going wrong?


private void loadcontactrequest(int ContactID, string phonenumber)
        ContactRequest cr = new ContactRequest(ContactID, Global.loginbound("Single customer found", phonenumber));

These functions have been tested elsewhere and work correctly individually, I believe it might be TAPI related.

EDIT 2 - Delegate:

public static void inittapi()
        if (TestOptions.notapi)
        tapi = new TapiManager("Omitted");
        foreach (TapiLine ad in tapi.Lines) //Get all lines available to this PC
            if (ad.Name.ToUpper().Contains("Omitted")) 
                phoneline = ad;
                phoneline.Open(MediaModes.All); //Open the phone line for making and receiving calls
                phoneline.NewCall += new EventHandler<NewCallEventArgs>(new TAPI().incomingcall); //Add the incoming call event handler


  • It's possible that this event is triggered on a different thread than the UI thread of your application.

    Modify the method like this to test whether this is the problem:

    private void incomingcall(object sender, NewCallEventArgs e)
         Form form;
         if(Application.OpenForms.Count > 0)
              form = Application.OpenForms[0];
         if (form != null && form.InvokeRequired)
              form.BeginInvoke(new Action(() => { incomingcall(sender, e); }));
         // Your current code goes here

    This will identify that we are in a different thread than your main form (form) was created on and then execute the function again on the main form's thread.