I want to make a lucene custom scoring function that takes a value stored in a document and add it to the final score.
I already figured out how to add a value to the scoring function , but I can't manage to get a stored value of a document into the method.
class CustomizedScoreProvider extends CustomScoreProvider {
public CustomizedScoreProvider(LeafReaderContext reader) {
// TODO Auto-generated constructor stub
public float customScore(int doc, float subQueryScore,float valSrcScores[]){
try {
subQueryScore+=4; \\ I only added this for testing ,
} catch(Exception e) { \\ I want to add a value that is stored in a field of a document
return subQueryScore;
class CustomizedScoreQuery extends CustomScoreQuery{
public CustomizedScoreQuery(Query subQuery,IndexReader ireader) {
// TODO Auto-generated constructor stub
public CustomizedScoreProvider getCustomScoreProvider (LeafReaderContext reader){
CustomizedScoreProvider i=new CustomizedScoreProvider(reader);
return (i);
Thank you , but I already solved the problem, with the index reader I searched for the file, then I extracted the value of the field I wanted to use.
class CustomizedScoreProvider extends CustomScoreProvider {
private LeafReaderContext context;
public CustomizedScoreProvider(LeafReaderContext reader) {
this.context= reader;
// TODO Auto-generated constructor stub
public float customScore(int doc, float subQueryScore,float valSrcScores[]) throws IOException{
Document Social=context.reader().document(doc);
IndexableField i= Social.getField("soc");// the field I wanted to extract
float k= (float)i.numericValue();
return subQueryScore;