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OpenFileDialog: How to copy files in a local folder?

In my silverlight application I would like to be able to select a file from an OpenFileDialog window and upload/copy it to a local folder in my Silverlight project. I am already able to setup a OpenFileDialog window and set some options to it, but unfortunately I can't find a way to create a filestream and then copy it to a local folder.

private void Change_Avatar_Button_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
        OpenFileDialog openfile = new OpenFileDialog();
        openfile.Multiselect = false;
        openfile.Filter = "Images files (*.bmp, *.png)|*.bmp;*.png";

        if ((bool)openfile.ShowDialog())


I've tried looking at many tutorials on the net, but they only seem to send the file directly to the UploadFile method in silverlight what I do not want to do at the moment.

Thank you, Ephismen.


  • You can't just write files to local folders without prompting the user a second time (e.g. save as dialog

    You could write it to isolated storage instead:

    If you want specific examples (e.g. going straight from OpenFileDialog to Isolated storage) I strongly recommend you use Google. The first match on "silverlight openfiledialog to isolated storage" is this: