How can I place a pop out message like 'message sent successfully' once the function has finished running in this case (smsAll)?
$scope.smsAll = function() {
$scope.smsStatusZeroF2F = "";
$scope.smsStatusMoreThanTenF2F = "";
$scope.smsStatusBetween14F2F = "";
if ($scope.isSMSzeroF2F) {
if ($scope.isSMSmoreThanTenF2F) {
if ($scope.isSMSBet14F2F) {
if ($scope.isSMSZeroPSL) {
if ($scope.isSMStransAndsaas) {
<button type="button" class="btn btn-primary" ng-click="smsAll()">Send SMS for selected</button>
Why not used some angular notify moduel? Just like this Source code is here
Or Install with Bower
bower install angular-notify --save
Add dist/angular-notify.js and dist/angular-notify.css to your index.html.
Add cgNotify as a module dependency for your module.
angular.module('your_app', ['cgNotify']);
function myController($scope,notify){ // <-- Inject notify
notify('Your notification message'); // <-- Call notify with your message
notify({ message:'My message', templateUrl:'my_template.html'} );