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How not to display the captions when video starts playing using videojs?

I am using Video.js for a customized video player and by default it shows the captions when video starts playing. How can I have the closed captions disabled on start/autoplay?

var myPlayer = _V_("myPlayer");
var videoPlaying = true;

// video captions button
var myCaption = myPlayer.controlBar.addChild("button");

// Styling to empty button

// Add class to captions

// Adding functionality to captions button
$(".vjs-captions-icon").on('touchstart', function() {
  $('.vjs-control-bar .vjs-captions-icon').toggleClass('vjs-captions-icon-on').toggleClass('vjs-captions-icon-off');
.vjs-captions-icon-on {
  background: url(../img/caption_button.png);
  background-size: 100% 100%;
.vjs-captions-icon-off {
  background: url(../img/caption_button_off.png);
  background-size: 100% 100%;
<video id="myPlayer" class="video-js vjs-sublime-skin" width="1024px" height="768px" controls autoplay preload data-setup='{"nativeControlsForTouch": false}'>
  <source src="../video/brandt.mp4" type='video/mp4' />
  <track class="caption" kind="captions" src="../video/brandt.vtt" type="text/plain" srclang="en" label="English" default/>


  • Sharing answer from gkatsev answered here

    Quoting from there.

    showing - the text track is visible and updating and firing events
    disabled - the track track isn't visible and isn't firing events
    hidden - the track track isn't visible but it is firing events.

    So, to hide a track, you can do:

    player.textTracks()[0].mode = 'disabled';