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how install joomla on the cloud 9 IDE?

I cann't install joomla. In stage two "Database" i write into host name "", but DB could not connect to MySQL. I tried to write 8080 and localhost, but the result is the same. What can i do?


  • According to this source, is the correct hostname, so that's probably not the source of your problem.

    • have you checked that mysql is running?

    • maybe there's a problem with your DB username / password? This page has a simple php script you could create to test if your DB credentials are correct and MySQL is running. Set the password and database name and see if it connects.

      $servername = getenv('IP');
      $username = getenv('C9_USER');
      $password = "...";
      $database = "...";
      $dbport = 3306;
      // Create connection
      $db = new mysqli($servername, $username, $password, $database, $dbport);
      // Check connection
      if ($db->connect_error) {
          die("Connection failed: " . $db->connect_error);
      echo "Connected successfully (".$db->host_info.")";

    Good luck!