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x86 Assembly: Change an UpperCase letter to a LowerCase letter

I've got this code which should change an uppercase letter to a lowercase letter:

void tolower(char *text)
        mov esi, text;
        mov ecx, 0;
        mov bl, 32;
        cmp [esi + ecx], 0;
        je konec;
        cmp [esi + ecx], 97;
        jbe dolower;
        add ecx, 1;
        jmp opakuj;

        mov [esi + ecx], bl;
        add ecx, 1;
        jmp opakuj;

mov [esi + ecx], bl doesn't work. I get an

access violation writing error

What am I doing wrong?

P.S.: I can't use another array or pointer or something like that. I have to rewrite that char.


  • One solution would be isolating the lowercase chars and clearing or setting the bit 0x20 with an AND(uppercase) or OR(lowercase), respectively, like described in this SO answer: "How to access a char array and change lower case letters to upper case, and vice versa".

    void tolower(char *text)
        mov esi, text;
        mov ecx, -1;
        inc ecx;
        cmp [esi + ecx], 0;       // end of string
        je konec;
        cmp [esi + ecx], 65;      // lower bound for uppercase chars
        jb opakuj;
        cmp [esi + ecx], 90;      // upper bound for uppercase chars
        ja opakuj;
        ; and [esi + ecx], 223;   // 11011111 binary - sets uppercase
        or [esi + ecx], 32;       // 00100000 binary - sets lowercase
        jmp opakuj