I've got this code which should change an uppercase letter to a lowercase letter:
void tolower(char *text)
mov esi, text;
mov ecx, 0;
mov bl, 32;
cmp [esi + ecx], 0;
je konec;
cmp [esi + ecx], 97;
jbe dolower;
add ecx, 1;
jmp opakuj;
mov [esi + ecx], bl;
add ecx, 1;
jmp opakuj;
mov [esi + ecx], bl
doesn't work. I get an
access violation writing error
What am I doing wrong?
P.S.: I can't use another array or pointer or something like that. I have to rewrite that char.
One solution would be isolating the lowercase chars and clearing or setting the bit 0x20
with an AND
(uppercase) or OR
(lowercase), respectively, like described in this SO answer: "How to access a char array and change lower case letters to upper case, and vice versa".
void tolower(char *text)
mov esi, text;
mov ecx, -1;
inc ecx;
cmp [esi + ecx], 0; // end of string
je konec;
cmp [esi + ecx], 65; // lower bound for uppercase chars
jb opakuj;
cmp [esi + ecx], 90; // upper bound for uppercase chars
ja opakuj;
; and [esi + ecx], 223; // 11011111 binary - sets uppercase
or [esi + ecx], 32; // 00100000 binary - sets lowercase
jmp opakuj