I will use a very specific way to explain my problem, but I think this is better to be specific than explain in an abstract way...
Say, there is a MongoDB replica set outside of a Kubernetes cluster but in a network. The ip addresses of all members of the replica set were resolved by /etc/hosts in app servers and db servers.
In an experiment/transition phase, I need to access those mongo db servers from kubernetes pods. However, kubernetes doesn't seem to allow adding custom entries to /etc/hosts in pods/containers.
The MongoDB replica sets are already working with large data set, creating a new replica set in the cluster is not an option.
Because I use GKE, changing any of resources in kube-dns namespace should be avoided I suppose. Configuring or replace kube-dns to be suitable for my need are last thing to try.
Is there a way to resolve ip address of custom hostnames in a Kubernetes cluster?
It is just an idea, but if kube2sky can read some entries of configmap and use them as dns records, it colud be great.
e.g. repl1.mongo.local:
EDIT: I referenced this question from https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/issues/12337
UPDATE: 2017-07-03 Kunbernetes 1.7 now support Adding entries to Pod /etc/hosts with HostAliases.
The solution is not about kube-dns, but /etc/hosts. Anyway, following trick seems to work so far...
EDIT: Changing /etc/hosts may has race condition with kubernetes system. Let it retry.
1) create a configMap
apiVersion: v1
kind: ConfigMap
name: db-hosts
hosts: | db1 db2
2) Add a script named ensure_hosts.sh
while true
grep db1 /etc/hosts > /dev/null || cat /mnt/hosts.append/hosts >> /etc/hosts
sleep 5
Don't forget chmod a+x ensure_hosts.sh
3) Add a wrapper script start.sh
your image
$(dirname "$(realpath "$0")")/ensure_hosts.sh &
exec your-app args...
Don't forget chmod a+x start.sh
4) Use the configmap as a volume and run start.sh
apiVersion: extensions/v1beta1
kind: Deployment
- name: hosts-volume
name: db-hosts
- ./start.sh
- name: hosts-volume
mountPath: /mnt/hosts.append