I have a way to play sound with a simple command, https://github.com/admsev/jquery-play-sound, but the audio file I am playing is about 2 minutes long. I need a way to stop/silence the audio with a javascript or jquery command. Does anyone know how I could do this? I don't really want a button that stops the sound unless it was a regular html button that could do other things besides stop the sound.
The jQuery playSound library you linked does not support pausing. I think it would be best to choose a different library that supports pausing so you don’t have to write that functionality yourself.
I used the howler.js library before and it worked fine for me. Here is how you would use howler.js:
<!-- to load the library on the page -->
<script src="howler.js">
// to create and play the sound
var backgroundMusic = new Howl({
urls: ['music.mp3', 'music.ogg'],
// to pause the sound
// (make sure the variable `backgroundMusic` is accessible)
// to stop the sound