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Where do I put my WAR file on my Pivotal TC server?

I'm trying to teach myself how to use Java with Pivotal TC server. I have a Cloud9 account where I set up a server with Pivotal TC. I also created a simple Hello World app in Spring Tool Suite and exported it on my desktop as a WAR file.

So I have this WAR file, and I have this server on Cloud9. I've googled where to put it, and I've gotten different results, and none of them have related to my set up.

I have the directory in my server as /opt/pivotal/pivotal-tc-server-standard-3.1.3.SR1/tomcat-8.0.30.C.RELEASE, and inside of that I have a bin and lib folder. Where exactly do I put my WAR file so that my app is correctly placed in my server?

Am I over-simplifying this? Are there other steps that I just skipped? Or do I just need to play the WAR file somewhere? This was my understanding. I'm pretty new to Java so bear with me.


  • First you need to create instance (like domain) for hosting your app

    # lets alias tc-server location to shorten commands
    $TC_SERVER/ create myserver 

    After that new director myserver will appear inside $TC_SERVER (like /opt/pivotal/pivotal-tc-server-standard-3.1.3.SR1/myserver)

    Put your war inside $TC_SERVER/myserver/webapps To start the app

    cd $TC_SERVER/myserver/bin
    ./ start