I am trying to turn an old javascript program of mine into a service on a mac using automator. When I use my Code, it doesn't work. I have checked what I can, and I have found that the most basic issue I encounter is that the .length property from javascript does not work. This simple program doesn't return what it should. It returns nothing:
function run(input) {
var ina = 'hello';
var newn = ina.length;
return newn;
Your code returns 5.
input is an array of 0 elements. Not of much use in script editor. When run from a command line it is the parameters.
As a side note run is the run handler for all AppleScript (including JXA), so you would not call function run. It is called for you.
In automator, The result (5) is sent to the next automator task. You can do a "Set Value of Variable" right after you do "Run JavaScript" with your script to capture the 5.